InDesign 2024
Fundamentals Training Course
On this 3-day beginner to intermediate class you will complete a series of real world publishing projects including letters and articles, an advertisement, a magazine cover, a travel brochure and more.
Our instructors will lead you step-by-step through each project, teaching the correct workflow, how to master each tool and useful shortcuts to speed up your production.
What's Included
- Certificate of Course Completion
- Training Manual
- FREE Class Repeat (valid for 6 months)
- 9.00am to 4.00pm (Pacific)

Live face-to-face instructor
No minimum class size - all classes guaranteed to run!
No prior experience of InDesign is needed. Training available on Mac and PC.
View our full range of Adobe InDesign training courses.
Detailed Course Outline
- Lecture: Concepts of Raster vs Vector
- Lecture: How InDesign handles media
- Lecture: Artificial Intelligence features in InDesign
- Creating & Managing A New Document / Workspaces
- Interface essentials / Key panels
- Anatomy of a frame / Placeholder text / Properties
- The ultimate way to get more professional-looking text
- How frames and images work together / Frame tweaks
- Work with swatches and extractions to create themes
- Export your picture-perfect document fast
- Familiar with Image Formats
- The various ways to resize and manipulate images
- Using the Properties panel for more manipulations
- A deeper focus on the Fitting function
- Fundamental Typography in InDesign / Adobe Fonts
- Creating and connecting text columns
- Stylizing Quotes and credits
- Getting artistic with creative typography
- A Guide to Pages versus Parent Pages
- Navigating and enhancing the Pages panel
- Working with Spreads
- How to create page numbers
- Working with Layer Styles and Effects
- Your options for export out of InDesign
- Working with simple PDF Exports
- Projects / Templates / IDMLs and more
- Save and Package your project for archive or transfer
- InDesign versus Illustrator: Vector Artwork
- Working with Fundamental Shapes
- Working with Fundamental Shapes + Effects
- Buttons / Lower 3rds / Custom Primary Elements
- Your options for export out of InDesign
- Working with simple PDF Exports
- Projects / Templates / IDMLs and more
- Save and Package your project for archive or transfer
- Working with digital layered maps
- Feathering edges of selection
- Contracting and Expanding Selections
- Fundamentals of Select and Mask
- Simple 2-Sided Design work
- Generated feature content in InDesign
- Setting up document titling with blend effects
- Borrowing elements from stock artwork
- Great places to find free resources and more
- Project planning and multi-panel documents
- Creating themes: CMYK versus Spot Colors
- Creating a brand/logo and working with groups
- Working panel by panel and incorporating styles
- Working dynamically to change vector imports
- Working with manual and stylized drop caps
- Creating text blurbs and triggering next styles
- Working with hidden batching features for images & more
- Working with Slugs / Slugs for internal and external use
- Adding embedded authoring and copyright information
- The Primary Color Modes for most designers
- Color and File Formats
- Create Custom Shapes, Patterns, Swatches
- Importing and Exporting Presets
- Explore how to get the perfect-looking text and titles
- More about text, paragraph alignments and grids
- More ways to create and manage multi-column text
- Working with Text Wrap and various types of artwork
used for magazines, presentations, and other projects.
- Create and saving layout templates
- Multi-layered flowing elements in complex documents
- In-line imagery and media
- Managing Linked content / Relinking / Troubleshooting
- Bridge with Metadata and batch searching functions
- What are Object styles and what do they save?
- Creating Object Styles from scratch or from an object
- Applying Object styles to objects / Editing
- What are Static versus Dynamic Captions?
- Working with Dynamic Captions and Metadata
- Updating and modifying captions
- More about grouped artwork
- Troubleshooting batch loaded cursors
- Editing Layered grouped objects from Parents to Pages
- Layered targets and priority layering
- Features considered AI in InDesign
- Working with Adobe Firefly and Adobe Express
- Adobe Firefly to InDesign
- Useful AI workflows
- Future features requests in InDesign
Our outlines are a guide to the content covered in a typical class. We may change or alter the course topics to meet the objectives of a particular class.